TOS 2.06 or 1.62 Upgrade 2 chips set version
Before purchasing this 2 EEPROM kit, make sure your motherboard is compatible for such set. This set is only compatible with Atari 520/1040 STE and Atari MegaSTE
This kit will not fit Atari ST, STF, STFM and MegaST
- For those in possession of an Atari STE it is necessary to have a soldering iron and perform some simple operations in order to complete the upgrade in your system
In order to upgrade your system with these EPROM chips, you must configure W102, W103 and W104 as follows:
W102: 1-2
W103: 2-3
W104: 1-2
- For those in possession of an Atari Mega STE it is not necessary to perform any particular operation, except to replace the ROMs in place of those already present.
Do pay attention to the direction of the chips by checking the position of the notch.
Placing the chips the wrong way may damage them !
Any modification on the motherboard is the sole responsibility of the buyer.
In case of problem, we decline all responsibility if you make an assembly error, a chip direction error, or poorly done soldering.
Open your Atari and check your motherboard before purchasing any TOS ROM set.
Although the fitting of these is a simple task, please be sure that you know what you're doing before fitting.
Some motherboards indicate which Rom is which (Hi and Lo), if your board does not have this information, but only Uxx, Uxx… then look for the information online. Or search for pictures that will show you the correct placement.
Procedure for Atari 520/1040 STE
It is necessary to have a soldering iron and perform some simple operations in order to complete the upgrade in your system.
In order to upgrade your system with these EPROM chips, you must configure W102, W103 and W104 as follows:
W102: 1-2
W103: 2-3
W104: 1-2
You can remove the 0 ohms resistors and replace them with pin header + shunt, or you could just solder the resistor the other way as follow:
Step 1: See, the 3 jumpers. By default, they are all set to 2-3:
​Step 2: de-solder the resistors W102 and W104
​Step 3 : bend the resistors backward then solder them into position 1
Step 4: carefully remove the original ROM and insert the new TOS 2.06 EEPROM into the supports
Procedure for Atari MegaSTE
For those in possession of an Atari Mega STE it is not necessary to perform any particular operation, except to replace the ROMs in place of those already present.
Just carefully remove the original ROM and replace them with the new EEPROM.
Beware the ROM are oriented upside down like of this photo: